Opening his own bedroom door and closing it behind him was the most relieving action Bas had done all day, and he thanked the gods that no one had seen him enter, or in the hall for that matter. [i]'An ignorant slave dumped the days dish water down me'[/i] He imagined himself saying to a passerby in his mind. But that wasn't him. Bas's voice betrayed his mind most days, and he didn't want that for the servant boy. Bas crossed his room stripping away the dropping clothing and tossing it to the floor before standing in his bathroom doorway. most of the rooms walls were encased in curtains. All minus one which held the family banner. A spear that flowed and split into vines that weaved to all edges of the cloth. The symbol of growth for the people through the power of the royals. Bas laughed staring at the banner and slipped into his evening bath. The bath was most like a hole that encompassed the floor, walking in there was steps down to enter and a pathway around for chamber maids to serve him. However, he n ever used them. This was to only time he could be himself, locked away like a child on time out. He splashed himself, rubbing smooth water over his body. The chamber maid had done an excellent job scenting the water with that of lemongrass and sage and soon the rotting water mixed in with the pure water of the bath. The water, now considered dirty, still called out to the child is Sebastian and he spun and fell backwards. Letting the water consume his body he lay at the bottom and stared up through the water. Watching the ceiling ripple and sway, distorted by the liquid that glazed his eyes. "BAHHH!!" He shouted as he sprung from the water and laughed at his own being. "I should switch that boy and Spencer, give that bulk what he deserves. Such a big head with nothing in it, even for someone of nobility. Although that boy." Bas said to himself as he slid into his night clothes and tied up his robe. "He seems to take on challenges quiet easily, hmm" He added, voicing thoughts as he made his way to the bed. Laying in bed he let his mind take him back to the farmyard counsel meeting. Of course he had never been to a farm, so the setting in his mind off, however the animals yelling at each still sparked amusement. With the farm animals yelling at one another his dreams started to pull him towards sleep. He did not desire supper, nor the company of anymore people. His wish of dreams was denied by a knock to the door. He wanted to deny it and drift away, but knowing he couldn't lifted himself from his bed and slipped himself into a red jacket and pants. He left the jacket undone and pants loosely tied. Certainly this couldn't be a political matter, as a lazy look would due. He opened the door and once again was surprised to see the water boy from earlier standing in his doorway. "You.." He started with a curious tone, then gave a quick glaze down to hall both ways. "Get in before someone sees you and wonders why you, of all people are here." He finished, not giving the boy much time to answer never mind obey. He grabbed the boys sleeve and yanked him through the doorway and closed it. Here he stood, half dressed, with a servant stumbling into his chamber, no thanks to him of course. He started to tuck and adjust the clothing he had thrown on, this was just a servant. However, servants gossiped enough without throwing his night dressage into it.