Silas listened as the others stated their opinions. He was a bit worried to learn that Amelia was going to be at the helm. She didn't give off a very trustworthy vibe. It didn't really matter to him though as he was not interested in being on the ship during missions. Just then the Ko'secti female rose to her feet and boasted a bunch of philosophical mumbo bumbo. He knew their species was capable of great feats but this particular one just seemed deluded. Silas kept listening. He was used to waiting for long periods of time either out in the field or waiting in line for chow. The military was all hurry up and wait. Drew just finished speaking. Silas was in agreement. Let's get a move on. He wanted so badly to look down the scope of his sniper rifle again. To feel the sweat come down his forehead while waiting patiently for his target to come into sight. He always got this rush of adrenaline right before he pulled the trigger, but with a deep breath in and out he always calmed himself and made the shot.