[i]New Lights University - 3:17 PM[/i] Seo just awoke from his nap! Normally this was good, but now it was exponentially shitty. His nap was in his math class, one of the two he was borderline failing. The teacher was boring, and the material even moreso. It was his last math class he needed to pass in order to get what he needed, but he could never bring himself to pay much attention. He could post most of his classes without putting in too much effort, but math was his nemesis. The Grendel to him, the Beowulf. However, he had himself a secret weapon! One that had yet to fail him completely. He employed a tactic used by a few other students he knew, he recorded the class on tape! His parents were able to afford a small HD recorder for him, which he could use to make the lessons a little more 'digital'. Now he could watch the classes over a gain, and binge on the knowledge whenever it was necessary. Anyhow, he took up his camera and gave the classroom a once-over, no one was there. He looked at his watch and it read [i]3:17[/i] and then turned to [i]18[/i]. His class had been over for about 33 minutes! The fact no one bothered to wake him up sucked, but what sucked even more was that now he had to get rid of all the extra useless video he had recorded. [i] Seo's Apartment - 7:31 [/i] Seo sat his computer, with a bowl of cereal next to his mousepad. He was trying to figure out what parts of the lectures he could crop out, and what others he could keep. Already 1/2 of it was gone, and all of the non-verbal information could just be frame-cropped and turned into low-quality pictures to memorize and study later. He took two bites of his cereal and had trouble getting it down, it had gotten soggy. So he pushed the bowl a bit farther away from him, he was done eating for now. He did not want to finish off the soggy crap, just thinking of the taste and texture made him shiver. He figured he would pour himself a second bowl once he was done making his personal study guide.