[b]“Your all first years right? Anyone of you interested in joining Slytherin? Playing quidditch?”[/b] Pearleane's tight fist uncurled, her fingers falling to her side. What was this guy trying to be friends now? The smile had thrown her off. Perhaps this was a test of some sort that the older years took pride in. Pearleane sat back down next to Dani, hoping they wouldn't have to move after all. [i]"Yeah, we're first years."[/i] she said, confidently. She wanted to make it known that even though they were small, young, and pretty clueless to how everything worked- they weren't chumps that could be pushed around. [i]"I'm not interested in either of those things, especially if you're going to be there."[/i] Pearleane sneered, the last part that was supposed to be just in her head- slipping out. Oops. She let out a laugh nervously, trying to cover up her words. Hopefully the kid wasn't too focused on her words and didn't hear her. [i]"Maybe these two are interested though!"[/i] she looked to Peter and Dani for help, hoping that her new found friends would give her a hand on this.