As the sun rose, Heloise was crouched, watching a herd of deer. She had followed them, silent throughout the night, and now rested down wind of them, so her scent wouldn't alert them to her present. Meat, fresh would be a welcome in the camp, when they didn't know if they would get it from a day to day basis. While Heloise didn't like to kill, she knew it was for survival. Everything had been about survival since that first day, since the out break. She could still remember the radio and television reports. [i]"reports of canabolism have been given, police and the army are reporting to the scenes, and rumors state that nothing is slowing down these, what is assumed terrorist group."[/i] And that last report rang in her ears, static filled and desperation rolling of the speaker. [i]"go for the head! The head stops the dead! The head! Kill the brain, kill the dead!"[/i] She had been barricaded in her dorm room. She still didn't know how she had succeeded in escaping. But she had, and found the camp. And now they were relying on her to bring them fresh meat. She took aim of a deer, breathing in and out slowly, and let the arrow go, hitting a deer perfectly in its heart. It thrashed, and then buckled. The rest of the herd scattered, and a heloise rose, grinning. She picked up her gear, and stalked over to the deer. She wouldn't be able to carry it by herself, and dragging it would leave a trail of blood. Which might attact the walkers. but leaving the deer would attract one too. Or more. She thought for a moment, and then inspired, she took out a tarp which she had liberated from the camp, laid it out, and wrapped the deer in if, tying it up. She grinned, and began to drag it back to the camp. If she had looked, she would have seen the herd of walkers stumbling down the road which would eventually lead to their camp.