Sessamaru wandered around the new scenery, curious as to how he arrived. He was once wandering through a forest, before a witch fog had consumed him. Now, he arrived upon a hilly plain with two lakes and a singular cave off in the distance. He saw a fight happening from such a far distance, but not enough to make out who the people were. Intrigued, and worried about the potential death of the combatants, he made his way urgently through the hills, his snow white hand upon the hilt of his sword. It didn't take long for him to arrive, but he stood there silently, only catching the words: [i]"Listen kids I've had much worse than this so show me more of a fight or I might think this was just a waste of time."[/i] It was the young man with a scythe. Before him were a monk, a male fighter, and two females, one of which was unconscious. Sighing, he sat upon the ground and continued to watch, legs crossed and both hands cupping one another in a meditative pose. [i]Perhaps it is wise not to interfere unless absolutely necessary...[/i] he thought, silently watching them with a friendly smile upon his face.