[IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/24l3cqe.jpg[/IMG] Name: Keldir Occupation: Exile, Traveller, and a Court Wizard from time to time. Race: Altmer Class: Mage (Destruction, Conjuration, Thaumaturgy, Alteration) Gender: Male Age: 102 (Elves can naturally love from 200-300. It has also been known for powerful wizards to live even longer) Attitude: Once rash and arrogant, when Keldir was a young man he saw everyone as a inferior, unable to match him in the arcane, he especially looked on those who were not the same race as himself with the greatest disdain. But through his travels and exposure to the new lands and people he has become more tolerant to new ideas and customs. Furthermore he has even become a little friendlier albeit still reserved, often too deep in thought to focus on the happenings around him. Despite his travels, however he still thinks most people are dimwitted fools incapable of appreciating the world of the arcane. Hair Color/Style: Blonde, long and flowing Eye Color: Purple Height: 6'0 Weight: 130 lbs Weapons: Staff of Storm Atronach, Magic Items: Boots of Fortify Health, Hood and Robes of Magika Regeneration, Ring of Fortify Magika, Amulet if Forify Magika Interesting facts/bio: Keldir had always shown a affinity for the arcane but he was always drawn to the forrbidden and sometimes lost schools of Magicka, usually for good reason. It was not long before He found himself dabbling in ancient arts long forgotten by society. He locked himself in his study and with each day passing his power grew. Rumours began to spread about the strange lights and sounds coming from Keldirs study and soon enough he was being investigated by the authorities. The investigators easily managed to uncover the forbidden magics he was practicing as the unexpecting Keldir had not hidden his work. With a few strings pulled by the few family members who still stood by him Keldir only had to spend a few days in prison and was granted exile. Since then he has roamed the continent, working in the courts of several kings but never staying for long as his thirst for knowledge always drives him on. While he has been in Exile the Thalmor have come to power in Summerset and they have begun to recruit exiles who wronged society and were once renowned in their chosen school. It will not be long before they find Keldir Cheese for everyone! Or at least those who can match Keldir in skill.