[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/vAwFCLB.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/4DHC7KH.png?2[/img] [b]Name[/b] Tagorn Nightthorn [b]Occupation[/b] Assassin/Thief/Bard [b]Race[/b] Bosmer/Vampire [b]Class[/b] [color=darkred][I]Shadow-Claw[/I][/color] Stealth, Hand-To-Hand, Athletics, Acrobatics Tagorn relies on a combination of dodging and fast pace attacks to take down his opponents. He will use stealth when he can but won't turn down a fight. [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Age[/b] 526 [b]Personality[/b] Tagorn on the surface is cocky, arrogant, and sarcastic. He is rarely seen with out a devilish smirk on his face. He is quick with a joke and known to tell stories that can hold even a troll's interests, though most of them are complete and total mammoth crap. He is at one with the tavern scene, out drinking Nords and Orcs alike, besting some of the toughest drunkards in brawls, as well as playing some of the sweetest music this side of Tamriel. He is a relentless flirt, making a pass at any girl that catches his fancy. His light hearted nature takes a drastic turn when he enters true combat, he becomes bloodthirsty and slightly deranged. He loves the death and bloodshed, being thrilled by the defeat of his enemies. Though most don't know it Tagorn is an avid follower of the ways of Molag Bal, when he fights he wants to completely break his enemies before he kills them. [b]General Appearance[/b] Tagorn has the usual short stature of his kind as he stands at five foot four, though he is a bit more muscular than the usual Bosmer. His long, pitch black hair is usually messy or tied back into a single ponytail, when he does that it can be seen better that the sides of his head is shaved. His skin pale even by the fair standers of Mer and his eyes are a deep crimson red, they give off a faint glow at some points, all of which leads most to think he is a Dunmer rather than a Bosmer. He has scars all over his body, most notably his hands from countless fist fights. He has a pair of large bat like wings, though they are only seen when he summons them.Tagorn wears a set of black leather armor that has varies markings on it written in what appears to be crimson paint, it would take a expert on the subject but most of the markings are vampire symbols and a few for Molag Bal. Also he has a helmet that covers the upper half of his face and has two horns mounted on it. Tagorn's left ear is pierced in different places toward the tip of his ear. He also has a crimson red tattoo that resembles a nasty gash over his left eye. [b]Weapons[/b] Tagorn relies on his physical skills rather than weapons when he enters battle, being able to hold his own in some of the bloodiest battles and get away when needed [b]Bio[/b] Tagorn was born to a elven whore that worked out of a brothel in Cyrodiil. He grew up piss poor in a city full of humans, he had to learn to fend for himself and do it quick. Luckily he was quick on his feet and knew how to throw a punch, and with a few pointers from the local beggars Tagorn also found out he was a gifted thief. So began the Bosmer's life of crime. Tagorn was pretty skilled at his new profession, building a name for himself as incredibly talented thief for hire. He spent decades doing this job, providing for his mother so she could quit her horrid job. It took him all over the map, from Valenwood to Morrowind. He covered up his thieving nature by posing as a bard, being able to play an abundant of instruments and even sing when needed. But that all changed when he was hired to take the job that ended his life. He was tasked with breaking into the stronghold of some cult was taking refuge in and steal an amulet that apparently was blessed by some Daedric prince, Tagorn didn't really care about the details he just wanted the coin. He had broke into castle, got passed the guards, into the master bed chamber, grabbed the amulet, and was almost out before he was caught by the leader of the cult. Tagorn was expecting an explosion of rage, but instead he was met by a chuckle and a congratulations. The leader of the cult was impressed with Bosmer to the point that he offered him power beyond his wildest dreams and a spot among his coven. Tagorn jumped at the chance of power and agreed hungrily. It turns out the power the cult leader offered was the power of blood, yes he turned Tagorn into a child of Molag Bal or in other words a vampire. Tagorn then spent centuries in service of the Coven as a thief, and retrieving items from all around Tamriel for the coven's blood rituals. It wasn't long until the coven started giving him more bloody mission, this being where Tagorn started his assassination career. But with the recent rumors of the Daedric prince Boethiah, the long time rival of Molag Bal, plotting something the coven decided to send Tagorn out to see if he could find any information and if possible stop the prince in the name of Molag Bal. [b]Other[/b] [I][u]Cheese for everyone![/u][/I] Yeah I did it too [/center]