Would it be permissible for it to be an economic free trade area like the European Union, because that's generally what I was thinking economically when I made it. As far as the military thing it was intended to be a forum where agreement could be reached concerning military matters and transfer of equipment, rather than as an actual alliance. If this is still no-go then let me know. That's pretty much exactly what I was planning on doing, except perhaps also giving them spare equipment and aid to bring over there to assist further, since given their shared colonial past and mildly socialist tendencies they would feel a close kinship with the Ethiopians. They wouldn't be army, but we would still support them covertly rather than letting them go with virtually nothing. I could use some advice on which points I should expand on. I thought we had already established this in 1977, but duly noted. Edit: The whole drug lord busting operation was the best thing I could think of in terms of that sort of loose military rendezvous.