Name:Albert (Bisharp) Gender:Male Type:Dark Steel Level:86 Side:Trained Description:Non shiny Looks like a Bisharp in many ways except his top blade is gone. Bio:From the start I grew up with my trainer who now seems more like my best friend we work hard to be better then ourselves (And screw around a little bit.) I try to see the best in others and give them a chance before I judge them and never remember being in a pokeball before. Name:Starbomb (Staraptor) Gender:Female Type:Normal,Flying Level:74 Side:Trained Description: Shiny this Staraptor's claws were upgraded into steel Bio:The second Pokemon but doesn't feel like second best, always ready for a challenge and ready to show her power in combat but outside she can be kind and loving to all. Name:Xander Gender:male Age:16 Abilities:Skilled with fishing, Loves to read about his enemies. Side:Trainer Description:Calm, and quiet this kid loves to use his ears and mind instead of his heart. 6'4 feet tall blond hair in a spike like fashion and never seems to be without his lucky fishing pole, dark blue jeans with stars on the back left pocket , and a tie die shirt with bunches of random colors, brown eyes, with a light gray scarf around his neck at all times only has two Pokemon. as an kid he always gets called out and beat up because of his shy like state. He only hits where it will hurt (Plays dirty.) tan skin. Team:Albert, and Starbomb