“But you are fat compared to me! You fattie-fat”, Shu giggled, shifting on his seat, “It’s okay if you’re fat. I’m not fat and if I was fat like you, I would be in trouble! I would look too much like you!” It was amusing to get Takeshi all wound up and bothered by his own rudeness, especially when Shu was now seeing why it was such a bad thing for him to say. Giggling a little he reached out to grab one last piece of fruit, munching at it as Takeshi tried to justify his ‘tough’ life. He didn’t think it was so bad, probably because there had been constant threats when he was growing up. “Ooh! I didn’t have money…no need for money! Always looking for food, fighting back predators and bad clans! Moving everywhere and lots of rain all the time”, Shu sighed, scratching his neck in contemplation, “Never really had a home except for whole jungle! Scary place…are you scared of creatures in the night? I am. Scary things might eat you while you sleep…and family no care because they no like you much. Makes scary place even more scary…” T’charrl was pretty well set on not using his friends to his advantage, thinking it to be a little lowly to do such a thing just because of what they were. It would be the same as Takeshi and Shu using his power to their advantage and only taking him somewhere so they could make him do something they couldn’t do. He could try and do it himself and not have to force others into his business when they didn’t want to, especially as they were supposed to be having a holiday. “But…not even the guards know about what I can do. I don’t want to show off my powers just because I am wanting to try and find people who might have them. I’m not sure how I would do such a thing without it being an act of aggression”. He could probably try and use his powers to find them since they would have the same type of energy he has, but that would be a complete longshot when he had no idea how to do such a thing. He hadn’t found anyone else who had the same abilities as him so it would be trial and error. He wasn’t sure whether going by it aggressively would accomplish anything. The thing he worried about was the kingdoms thinking they’d use people like him to hold dominance over them, using the unknown power against them. “I…guess…something needs to be done to help them…” he frowned, letting out a sigh, “I’m worried that I may not have the gut to think like that, though. I know I’m supposed to, but something about wanting something like that and there actually being people to find doesn’t sound like a good start at all. I don’t know if they exist and I don’t know if I can find them. I’ve never had to try and do that before and if we threaten them only to find nobody, I don’t know how that would benefit us”. Feeling a little discouraged T’charrl lowered his head before his eyes turned to his father, frowning as he spoke. Even with that plan he still worried that they would be seen as a threat much like he was to anybody who met him, just like L’esta thought. He didn’t know how to get around that and knew how sketchy the plan he had was, so maybe there was a way to work around it without causing a lot of trouble. “Send them back? I guess so…I mean, it’s their choice to want to come here too. I just wonder how to hide the fact I would be doing that stuff with them from the public. I don’t think they’ll be ready to understand such a thing without spawning some sort of fear or hatred for us”. He didn’t like the idea of taking them away but he didn’t want it to be hostile. He wanted it to be a choice and to try and understand his power too, maybe finally get it under control if there was a master out there who could help him. He didn’t want to be a danger to his friends and family anymore but he didn’t know how to solve it. “Maybe uhh…I-I can convince them to do it without showing off aggression? I mean, they might know me and if I say there might be terrorists targeting certain people, maybe they’ll want me to find them before the terrorists win?” Viral didn’t like talking about this particular subject when it was directed at him, hoping that he was going to instead direct her towards possibly thinking of having a family of her own. Instead, Yumi did her typical thing and turned the discussion towards him and made things incredibly awkward. It wasn’t as if it was something she knew a lot about anyway so it was a fairly innocent question, but it was incredibly awkward considering what he was and what exactly he couldn’t do. He thought him saying how he lacked the same morals people would be a big enough hint that he wouldn’t be good around other people. Growling in annoyance he rubbed his head, his paw eventually waving to get her to stop poking him before leaning his head on his palm. It wasn’t a matter of getting defensive as it was trying to avoid the question by calling it stupid. “’Just to try it’? Sure, I’d love to just test the waters with raising a kid of my own…” he grumbled, not having a lot of fun with this subject, “I can’t have kids. My genetics wouldn’t allow it. I’d rather not think about something I barely know anything about and have never been interested in! Besides, I tried to teach you two things but you both grew out of them fairly quickly. I wouldn’t want kids anywhere near me incase they piss me off too much…”