Name: Zarkju Gender: Male (ultra super rare male lugia) Species:Shadow Lugia Level: 75 Side: Trained (under Lucas' command, same for my other pokemans.) Description:A Lugia corrupted at birth but saved from a life of slavery and evil by his best friend and trainer. He has never been in a poke ball and never will. For a legendary his size is tiny he is actually the size of a full grown Swellow. Name: Lucas Gender: Male Age: 18 Abilities: Befriends Pokemon without having to battle them. He is very good at gaining the trust of Pokemon. Side: TEAM SHADOW SNOW! Description: 5'6, blonde hair, hazel eyes, wears a trench coat over cargo shorts and a t-shirt also always has a trilby on. unless he is in a bed. Team: The pokemon always with him is Zarkju. He sits on his shoulder all the time. Sha his Houndoom (also all of his pokemon don't go in poke balls.), Carl his Lucario, Jean Claude his Zangoose, Ming his Pangoro, Poof his Dragonair, and Zera his Mega Absol. Name:Zera Gender:Male Species: Absol (in mega form) Level: 74 Side: Trained Descreption: Zera is or was a Mega evolved Absol that Lucas found in the woods near his base. Zera told him that he had reached this evolution by find a mega stone in the wild, when he touched it he evolved but never went back to normal. He went looking for the one person that he had heard rumors of that might be able to help him. That's when he found Lucas, Zarkju was able to convince Zera that Lucas was the one he was looking for and when Lucas heard Zera's story he knew that this was a new step in the field of Poke evolution. Knowing that natural occurring Mega Pokemon are a possibility, Lucas told Zera that He was fixed and that he was the first natural Mega to ever be found.