Name: Lucas Ursaine Nickname:Shadow Claw Gender: Male Age(Most people don't know they have the mutant gene until their teen years. However if you insist on being that one really young kid I won't mind): 16 Brief Personality:Lucas is quick to anger, but calms quickly. He always seems to have a smile when he is by himself or with other animals or animal like people. When Lucas is around the people he has dubbed "normal" he gets nervous and is clearly uncomfortable, but if the people give him honey or peanut butter his smile returns. (Although he still won't talk to them that much). Ability: Has bear features like his hands are bear paws and he has got the ears. And he has larger than normal canines. Limits to Ability: The only thing that limits Lucas in combat or in every day activities, is his fear of people. Much like a real animal Lucas is more afraid of people than people are afraid of him. Although when he was younger he had no fear.Though his fear stops him from begin social with other more normal people he seems to have an affinity to other animalistic people and normal animals. Age admitted into Riverwood: 6 (he just walked in.) Background: Lucas came from the woods.And no one really knows where he originally came from. He, when and if he does fight, fights with the ferocity and courage you would see if met a bear in battle. Much like bears Lucas enjoys the out doors in fact the only time you'll see him inside is when he is grabbing a peanut butter jar from the kitchens. Although Lucas has been at the Academy for years he is consider one of the "under dogs (or bears in his case)" on campus. Appearance: 5'6, Brown eyes, black hair and fur, wears gloves and a hat to cover his animal features, other than that wears cargo shorts and short sleeve t-shirts with pictures of bears on them. Other: Has really good senses, and loves honey and peanut butter. Also has a bad memory but can recognize voices and faces easily, but he probably won't remember names. Lucas also doesn't talk much to "normal" looking people, but becomes quite the talker to others like him. Also Lucas hates it when people try and take his food away from him, he has lashed out before seriously injuring someone who had attempted to take away his food.