"Glad to see you're up to it. I'm sure Rose will happily be your co-helmsman." Lex said to Amelia, leaning back in chair and yawning before looking back at the crew. He hadn't gotten any sleep at all since his trial, being on the ship might actually help in that regard, he always slept better when he could hear the hum of the engines as his eyes closed. "I'd like to get onto it already, but they told me they would usher us over there when it was time. So until then we're stuck in this room along with the armored blokes bored out of their mind listening to us." Lex said as he grinned, glancing at one of the guards who was looking at the ceiling. The man glanced at Lex right as the ex smuggler looked back at his crew at the table. Suddenly, a voice came over the intercom in the room. "Attention, you are cleared to leave the room and proceed to the hangar where you will find your ship and depart. Of course you shall be escorted by several guards, any suspicious activity will not be tolerated." The voice said in a stern tone as Lex rolled his eyes, one of the guards in the room speaking to the Vigilance crew. "You heard the man, everyone to your feet!" They did as the guard asked, Lex the first one up and first one out, the group exiting the room and entering the main hallway. The station was quiet, the only people on it those that worked on it as well as some military personal and a few business men. To the left of the group was a large window which covered a noticeable portion of the wall. The planet could be seen, the crispy brown color of it clashing with the light from the nearby star to create a beautiful sight. They could not admire the sight for long as the group was ushered by the guards flanking around them. Soon enough they reached the hangar which contained the S.S. Vigilance. The two guards standing by the door to the hangar looked over the group, then one nodded to the other and opened the door, the crew moving through to find what awaited them on the other side of the door. The Vigilance in all of its glory. The ship seemed larger than the picture Lex had seen of it, yet it was the perfect size to land on a planet with no issue. He moved around, seemingly inspecting it for any flaws. He couldn't find any, it seemed to be in prime condition. Probably wouldn't last that way for much longer, it kind of surprised him that they were given such a work of technology considering that they were all criminals and as he had been told, 'A very, very low chance of survival'. He wouldn't complain though. The armament on her was the most impressive thing to him, well from the outside. The cannons were imposing, they looked like they could tear a hole in a ship twice its size. He couldn't wait to step inside of it and take command. "Well, she looks pretty damn expensive, is it up to everyone's standards?" Lex asked, turning towards his crew.