My Pokemon Characters- [color=a187be]Name: Ai-yu Gender: Acts female, therefore she is addressed as such Species: Celebi (shiny) Level: ??? Side: Trained (Sephie) Description: Ai-yu is particularly small when compared to regular Celebi, and also has abnormally long and slightly curly antennae in comparison as well. She was apparently given to Sephie as a gift from a mysterious entity, and has abnormal abilities for a Celebi. Name: Euphoria Gender: Female Species: Sylveon Level: 78 Side: Trained (Sephie) Description: Euphoria was expertly trained, but mostly by herself, rather than Sephie. She looks sweet, but Euphoria is actually one of Sephie's most powerful and lethal Pokemon, with a savage thirst for blood that shows itself loud and clear in battle... Name: Sachiko Gender: Female Species: Meowstic (shiny) Level: ??? Side: Trained (Sephie) Description: Sephie obtained Sachiko as an egg from a strange person who claimed it was cursed. When the egg hatched shiny, Sephie was delighted, and spent a lot of time teaching the little Espurr. Sadly, one day, before she could evolve, Sachiko fell gravely ill, and died the same day. She later came back as the ghost of a shiny Meowstic, and has been with Sephie ever since. Sachiko is quiet, stealthy, and can be a little scary, sometimes without even meaning to. Name: Pipley Gender: Male Species: Delphox Level: 92 Side: Trained (Sephie) Description: Pipley was given to Sephie as a starter long ago, and has been by her side for quite awhile, it seems. He's also skilled in magic as she's said to be, and loves cheering others up with his fiery tricks. He's a peaceful, gentlemanly soul, but if his only option is to fight, then he won't hold back in the least. Name: Raven Gender: Female Species: Staraptor Level: 100 Side: Trained (Sephie) Description: Raven was Sephie's very second Pokemon ever. Apparently the first one was lost, or killed. Raven is incredibly loyal to Sephie, and despite her cold appearance, she can be quite caring and protective. She can also be just as sharp and emotionless as she looks as well, though... Name: (King) Kipster Gender: Male Species: Swampert Level: 90 Side: Trained (Sephie) Description: Kipster was a reward given to Sephie after solving a major dispute between a community of water-dwelling pokemon in a lake. He was just an egg at the time, and when he hatched, he displayed excellent fighting talent right off the bat. As such, Sephie gave him the title of "King", and he's been known mostly as "King Kipster" ever since. As Sephie's main mega-evolver at the moment, he wears his mega stone in a pendant around his neck, much like Sephie does. He often has amusing banter with Pipley, since they're almost complete opposites in typing, build, and personality...[/color] [color=f49ac2]Name: Tanoshi Gender: Female Species: Blissey Level: 68 Side: Scattered (Nurse Jubilance) Description: Tanoshi grew up with the Nurse Joy that was Jubi's mother. She loved Jubi with care that almost rivaled her own mother's, so when the Pokemon Center they called home was being attacked, Tanoshi had less to argue about upon receiving Nurse Joy's final orders to protect Jubi instead. Since that awful day, Tanoshi has stayed by Jubilance and helped her heal the injured of the land, even though her pokeball was broken during the murder of that Nurse Joy... Name: Fairelline Gender: Female Species: Furret (shiny) Level: 58 Side: Scattered (Nurse Jubilance) Description: Fairelline was an egg that was rescued from the torn-up Pokemon Center Jubi used to live in. Jubi was delighted by her sparkling appearance when she hatched as a Sentret, and grew even more delighted when she gained her shining pink stripes as a Furret. Fairelline is very timid, and doesn't talk a whole lot, but she fights for Jubi as if her life depended on it. Name: Plush Gender: Female Species: Audino Level: 62 Side: Scattered (Nurse Jubilance) Description: Plush was Jubi's very first pokemon, and her birthday present when she turned 6. Plush loves to sing, and often appears as if she thinks she's floating around when she walks, just by the way she acts. Plush can mega evolve through the Mega Bracelet on Jubi's wrist, and even though she's a tough opponent in battle, her floaty-fairy attitude never seems to fade away.[/color] [color=ed1c24]Name: Montainum Gender: Presumably male Species: Terrakion Level: 100 Side: Revolutioneer (LEADER) Description: Montainum is a large, battle-scarred beast of a Terrakion. After helping in a previous war involving Pokemon and people with his other comrades, a Virizion and a Cobalion, he had time to think about the relationship between Pokemon and people in the time of peace, before the "Age of Awareness". By the start of that new age, Montainum was convinced of the impurities of mankind, and their uselessness and thoughtlessness towards Pokemon in general. He is cold, sometimes even heartless in his quest... Name: Darkclaw Gender: Male Species: Zoroark Level: 90 Side: Revolutioneer (Top general) Description: Darkclaw is a cunning, savage Zoroark with no sense of mercy for the weak. He is Montainum's second in command, and oversees much of the activity of the other Revolutioneers, alongside and including Aruba. He seems to have an interest in Aruba, even though he's the very one who suggested she be punished for her "possibly-traitorous thoughts". To help him stand out from other Zoroarks and improve his damage in battle, Darkclaw wears leather gloves with metal claw attachments on them... Name: Aruba Gender: Female Species: Lucario Level: 87 Side: Revolutioneer (Top general) Description: Aruba is a strong Lucario, with a past laden with ridicule from other Pokemon for being a female fighter. She is mostly serious, but has her moments of honest laughter or other emotions. For her excellent fighting skills, she has been made one of Montainum's top operatives, but she still has some doubts about the cause she is fighting for. These doubts have gotten her in trouble before, and have resulted in her constantly getting threatened with harm towards her daughter. You can always differentiate Aruba from other Lucario, because she always wears a red cape. Name: Tatakumei Gender: Female Species: Riolu Level: 10 Side: Tied to Revolutioneers, but wants to be almost anything else... Description: Tatakumei is a small, but feisty young Riolu, who wears a small, torn red scarf to emulate her mother. She is the daughter of Aruba, and looks up to her mother's strength and bravery more than anything else. Unfortunately, due to some of her mother's swayed thoughts, Tatakumei has been imprisoned by the Revolutioneers, and is constantly threatened with harm to get her mother on their side. Despite all of this, Tatakumei holds firm belief in her mother, and is determined to help her, whatever she chooses to do. Name: Violetta Gender: Female Species: Mismagius Level: 80 Side: Revolutioneer (Master Spellcaster and Doctor) Description: Violetta is a crafty, wicked soul who enjoys seeing her opponents squirm. It is rumored that she was by Montainum's side when he first decided to bring about the Revolutioneer organization, and may have had a large part in such a decision. She's responsible for barriers over the cages of stronger captives in the Revolutioneer base, as well as the head doctor of the facility, in the absence of a Nurse Joy. As such, she's earned the nickname "Nurse Wicked". [/color] [color=82ca9d]Name: Rythian Gender: Male Species: Zoroark (shiny) Level: 65 Side: Scattered Description: Rythian is the younger brother of Darkclaw. He used to be a Revolutioneer alongside his brother, but when things started getting more serious, and deaths in battles or publicity stunts became encouraged, Rythian escaped them by pretending to be dead. He now lives in the forest as part of the "Scattered" group. He apparently knows Sephie. Name: Mystarii Gender: Female Species: Meowth Level: ??? Side: Scattered Description: Mystarii is a strange Meowth with one blue eye, and one green eye. She is believed to be undead, having come back for revenge from her trainer letting her die long ago. Despite this, she shows no interest in the Revolutioneers, and prefers to hang around the forest as a "Scattered" Pokemon. She's close friends with Electricia, Sachiko, and seems to know Sephie also. Name: Electricia Gender: Female Species: Pichu Level: 100 Side: Scattered Description: Electricia was owned by a corrupt Pokemon trainer who set out capturing shiny Pokemon for profit in his "Shiny Circus", where he'd have people pay to watch shiny Pokemon be forced to do tricks. He used to layer makeup on Electricia to darken her fur and make her look shiny as well. She helped lead the shiny Pokemon to freedom eventually, and though she hated the place, she still wears her costume from the circus (a purple top hat, and a dark blue cape with lighter blue and white stars on it). Even with this bad past with trainers, Electricia still doesn't advocate or support the Revolutioneers. She thinks all the fighting is dumb, and prefers to chill out in the forest as a "Scattered" Pokemon, along with Mystarii and Rythian. Apparently, she knows Sephie.[/color]