Name: Walks-In-Light Occupation: Merchant/Smuggler (Does both) Race: Argonian Class: Rogue (Thoroughly but incompletely trained in Shadowscale assassination methods, but also uses a lot of street fighting) Gender: Female Age: 32 Personality: A somewhat mischevious but charismatic buisnesswoman, she has a strong love of the sea and foreign cultures, something she heavily dislikes about the cultures of Skyrim. General Appearance: Ruddy scaled with small protruding fins jutting from near the top of her head. Roughly 2 meters tall and quite imposing, with a long tail and generally well defined muscle structure for her race. Tends towards masculine and practical, if high quality, clothing, owning to her past and present activites and also the problems members of her race often face with tailoring around tails. She has a full set of She has a full set of Stahlrim light armor she keeps roughly wherever she is in case she expects trouble, adding a fur cloak if she does to hide her advantage. Weapons: While her primary weapons are two ebony daggers with fire enchantments, nicknamed Smoke and Fire, which she keeps on her person constantly, both out of fear of theft and being caught off guard. Said knives are heirlooms from her father, and are not unknown to blood by any stretch of the imagination. She also has training with a bow and is quite skilled in it, but bows are generally impractical in her line of work. Bio: Walks-In-Light was born as the only child, a bastard, of Jeizuaru, one of Cyrodil's last Shadowscales. Disenfranchised with the removal of his group's training centers and finding nothing but ruin and desolation from the other branches of the Dark Brotherhood, Jeizuaru was firmly convinced that Sithis had grown displeased with their complacency to the existence of groups like the Morag Tong, and, abandoning whatever was left of the Dark Brotherhood, he journeyed into Skyrim and to the seaport of Winterhold, gaining employment as a sailor on a small transport to Solstheim. He began his campaign of murder with suprising success, drawing on virtually all of his skills to confuse attempts by the group to find the murderer. While his intial spree ending successfully, the picking thinned as the group grew cautious and Jeizaru grew older, finding himself burdened further with a child after an ill-thought out night of passion with a female dockworker, who had grown sickly soon afterwards, the cold having evidently damaged her constitution to an extent that even her natural resistances could not protect her. Jeizuaru, raising the child, Walks-In-Light, decided to do something rather unprecdented: teach this child, born under the sign of the Thief, the skills of the Shadowscale, in order that the techniques not die completely. Of course, between raising a child, working legitimately, and continuing his crusade against the Morag Tang, something had to give. In this case, it was the man himself, finding himself dead at the hands of his enemies after a botched assassination attempt. Walks-In-Light still remembers the day she opened the box her father had said to open only if he gone when his ship returned. It contained two daggers of a demonic quality, noted as heirlooms in what documentation was contained within, as well as a letter explaining, with as few details as possible, that he had obligations to a higher power that took precedence even over him being her father. She'll always remember the last line, a reference to some folk tale he often referenced: "Cheese. Cheese, for everyone." Walks-In-Light found herself on the street at the age of 12 with only her skills, numerous as they were, and her wits, as well as suprising luck. Managing to scrap out a living in Windhelm, she managed to scrape out a living as a thief of sorts, before she accidentally tried pickpocketing a Thieves Guild member. Rather than punish her, the man saw potential in the confident young pickpocket, and took her back to Riften, getting her quite a way through the command structure on the back of her training. Eventually she decided to make a name for herself on her own in the town she once called home, following in what she knew of her father's footsteps and using her hoard of septims to found a small shipping company at 21 to ride on the back of a weakened Empire's susceptibility of smuggling, and has managed to become a major trader in Skyrim and to a degree throughout Cyrodil. While her main routes are to Argonian colonies in Vvardenfel (for liquor and ebony smuggling) and Solstheim (Stahlrim being a highly desirable mineral with the ongoing war), she has traveled much of the world and traded across most of it at one point or another, notably having managed to open the Forsaken to trade for their silver resources, as well as a famous trip that netted her the largest supply of Sload soap seen in one place in at least an era, something she's still riding off of financially. The slowly collapsing Empire worries her to some degree, but with a lack of political bodies to replace it and a war she lacks any real interest in outside of economics, she has resigned herself to whatever comes, at least until something better comes up. It's worth noting she still maintains a strong connection with the Thieves Guild, her boats occasionally used to smuggle thieves out of a city if they touched something too hot or get some into warehouses and other such locations where a crate is welcome. In turn, the Thieves Guild has helped "convince" competitors to halt certain activities and provide a willing buyer for certain materials, substances, and items of a dubious legality or ownership. Other: Knows quite a large amount about poisons and the anatomy of man and mer, as well as good old fashioned pickpocketing and lockpicking.