[h3]Rui Shinichi - Auditorium[/h3] 14/4/2015 - Tuesday - After School It was mostly practice today it seems, and doing some excerpts out of other plays as part of it. Rui watched intently, as well, he was here for Drama club after all. His Expression had improved a bit. It appears this club was quickly becoming popular, so he began to expect that during the school festival they could do a rather big play, or even two if time and effort allows. He felt something sift behind him, and turned, to see another student entering the room... He didn't recognize him, maybe a prospective new member...? He strode over to the student, and asked him directly. [color=slategray]"I don't recognize you, are you here to join?"[/color], his question was blunt. He wouldn't really be able to help with actually joining, he'd have to wait until Leiko or some-other was done.