[quote=@Fleeter] And powers also means MMA or martial art stuff. :) [/quote] Ahh… just though I'd mention, since I might have forgotten to in my CS, Arran does know how to throw a punch. She doesn't do and of that dramatic slapping, she will however avoid a fight if at all possible. Not saying shes any good at fighting, just that she can throw a punch. Also if you need to know what Rig looks like as I couldn't seem to work it into my post, he is a Rottweiler cross Huntaway. And looks something like this; only with a big happy grin on his face, more often than not. [hider=Rig] [img]http://www.imagepuppy.com/resized/8476c72ff761dc56f211fc71eaeb73b3.jpg[/img] [/hider]