[center] [img]https://pmcvariety.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/breakthrough-olivia-munn.jpg?w=670&h=377&crop=1[/img] [img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/c177ceb72b2690439bf3f78007ab000d/tumblr_nghfo4l6US1u59cglo1_500.gif[/img] [color=f26522][i]She is a forest. She is the fire. She is the river running wild. In the coldest nights and hottest days, She keeps the evil away She works in mysterious ways[/i][/color] [b]Name[/b]: Dolor Oublier [b]Nickname[/b]: Doll [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 20 [b]Brief Personality[/b]: Dolor is a tough nut to crack. Her trust is hard to earn, despite this, she is terribly loyal to those she feels safe around. She's always strong minded and will stand by her beliefs, even if no one else will. She may be quiet at times, but she's more then willing to come up with an idea when things get rough. A team player when she feels like it. [b]Ability[/b]: Human chemical; Able to change her body into different type of material and elements like steel, fire, straw, wax and water. [b]Limits to Ability[/b]: Her body is able to control majority of elements like turning into liquid, bending into steel, small particles of dust and more. However, she can't control stronger elements like setting herself on fire or turning into porcelain, even gases like neurotoxins. Despite these being the most powerful, they're also the most deadly, and sometimes can cause harm to more then just herself. [b]Age admitted into Riverwood[/b]: 14 [b]Background[/b]: Dolor first started sensing her powers after her twelfth birthday, when she leaned over to her birthday cake and a small part of her hair brush the flame of her candles. The young girls hair was set ablaze, but she never noticed. After that, it was all downhill from there; accidentally washing her legs away in the bath, coughing up straw and even sneezing poisonous gasses. Her parents were able to help maintain her powers for years, but when Riverwood found her, they took her in before her powers had ever gotten truly out of control. Ever since then, she has been a student and test subject there. Obviously, she dreams of much grander things like traveling, feeling normal, maybe falling in love, but when she has fits more and more, it seems unlikely that either would happen. [b]Other[/b]: Finds it hard to connect with others Has a phobia of being alone in single rooms [/center]