[quote=@SilverWolfAngel] [quote=@Fleeter] And powers also means MMA or martial art stuff. :) [/quote] Ahh… just though I'd mention, since I might have forgotten to in my CS, Arran does know how to throw a punch. She doesn't do and of that dramatic slapping, she will however avoid a fight if at all possible. Not saying shes any good at fighting, just that she can throw a punch. Also if you need to know what Rig looks like as I couldn't seem to work it into my post, he is a Rottweiler cross Huntaway. And looks something like this; only with a big happy grin on his face, more often than not. [hider=Rig] [img]http://www.imagepuppy.com/resized/8476c72ff761dc56f211fc71eaeb73b3.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/quote] Yeah, it's fine to be able to fight. Just not any specialized fighting. [quote=@The ghost in black] [@Fleeter] can my character be on motorized roller blades? [/quote] Yes, but specify in your character sheet that they are early access models. Motorized roller blades are coming soon to the city's market but I'll allow your character to have early access to them!