Chuckling Aedan watched her as her cup filled with root beer and let his smile remain on his face. So far he liked this girl, she had a very good mix of intelligence and humor and Aedan could see talking to her for quite a long time about nothing really. He wondered just how big of a prankster she really was but figured that if the first time he saw her was any indication she was a pro, a hypothesis that was supported by her disappointment in weasley products being banned. For some reason however Aedan didn't think that would stop the Ravenclaw. His grin widened as she used his own comment against him and inclined his head as if saying touche noting the smile that decorated her own face. Without missing a beat Aedan saw the short look back and noticed the boy sitting back at the Ravenclaw table a book in his hands. Aedan made the connection almost instantly. A twin brother, probably very quiet doesn't talk much, possibly a push-over. Older sister who keeps a look out for him. It was good information to have, you never really knew what might happen. When the question about his own family came around Aedan made sure not to look at Jackson or Dana but merely shrugged. "I have two cousins here, one in Gryffindor and one in Hufflepuff, the Hufflepuff was just sorted tonight as well." He shrugged his shoulders again slightly, he was going to let her figure out which ones he was talking about. "Mainly while I detest both of their houses I do maintain a healthy amount of love since they are family after all. Particularly the Hufflepuff."