The prospect of a fellow AI was intriguing to Oliveia. Was it too, going through some sort of social integration or was it, like these guards already a part of this network? What wonderful insights into life would it have!? The thought of a mentor was an incredibly enticing prospect. Her father had failed to mention that she was the only one of her kind and that all other AI were just a faint shadow of everything that she is. Without this information and the context in which to apply it, she was bathed in false hopes about what to expect. Her father had chosen to make her human obviously because he himself was human, but Oleander silently wondered what it would be like to have the frame of the small furry psychopath (her father had taught her that word) or to share the beautiful blue hues of the unit "Ro'Essel". Despite her appearance she certainly did not feel human. She did not feel like anything. If her concept of self identity were further cultivated this might have been a source of great anguish to her. However, that was one subject her father had not yet been able to teach her. Her only solace was the fact that she was blissfully unaware that she was without more than half the information he had intended to share with her. Self identity, pride, ambition, all these human qualities and the context in which to make them productive and not damaging were lost to her the day she was separated from her creators hold. She had been lost in thought, listening but not registering the conversations going on around her up until now. Which was just as well, she could go back into her audio banks and review the conversation at will. The human unit Drew spoke, and had she any concept of appropriate social reaction she might have found his comments charming. Instead she only agreed. She was eager to see her new home. The intercom announced that they were to leave now, and she could barely contain her excitement! She followed Lex closely, mimicking the way he carried himself. Aloof but confident. Her comrades seemed to like him, and she resolved to emulate her proxy as closely as possible. She wanted to be liked. Something in her craved it. Why? She was capable of taking care of herself, so it wasn't exactly self preservation. Her wealth of knowledge on psychology suggested that it could be the mental phenomena Known as "Abandonment issues" caused by losing her father. To her surprise defining the issue didn't make it any easier to accept or deal with.