Drew sighed dejectedly as he sat back again. He'd had half a mind to kick his feet up onto the table before he reconsidered it, what with the guards standing around the room watching them so closely. Good thing he hadn't, too, as it wasn't long before the voice on the loudspeaker instructed them out of the room. It was a fairly boring walk to the hangar, nobody spoke up, which was to be expected considering they were followed out by the guards. Honestly, Drew wondered why the guards even cared at this point. They were getting ready to give the group a starship-- scratch that, they were getting ready to give them a [i]top of the line[/i] starship and let them sail off the planet alone, but they needed armed guards to escort them to the ship? It was clearly all for show, and it seemed the guards took their job all too seriously as they were ready to shove any stragglers in the group ahead. But then they came upon the Vigilance and the excitement all came flooding back. When Lex showed the crew a hologram of the ship, he'd been excited to work on it, but a small part of him assumed that it wouldn't all be as it seemed in the diagrams. But upon reaching that hangar and seeing the ship, Drew let out a completely unintentional, [b]"Whoah."[/b] There wasn't much doubt in his mind. He was in love. With a starship. Lex turned around to address the crew, and where Drew expected a pep talk, the man simply asked if the ship was up to their specifications. [b]"I mean, would it matter if she wasn't?"[/b] Drew asked sarcastically, [b]"I mean, not that she isn't. She certainly is. But... You know what I mean."[/b]