Hazel smirked. Oddly enough it seemed that the rest of the cafeteria payed little mind to Hayato's 'accident'. She supposed that they couldn't be blamed. At an academy designed to train young kids into warriors small scraps happened all the time. Hazel almost laughed when Hayato's sword turned on her, as he recovered in an admittedly graceful way. She knew there was no malicious intent in him, and he only pulled it out through instinct, but that didn't stop her from scolding him. "Only turn that thing on me if you intend on trying to skewer me, Hayato." She nodded as he reminded her of her promised payment. "Yeah, sure, sure, I'll pay you back." Hazel didn't intend to pay him back. "Well, I guess I'm heading out too. See ya." She rose from her chair and turned her back against Hayato, leaving quickly. As she set out from the dining hall a distinct feeling of wrongness settled over her. [i]Why do you want to be the best?[/i] Hayato's question echoed back and forth through her head. She couldn't help but wonder. She knew only what she told Hayato, but she also knew that those words weren't right. A feeling of helplessness colored the maelstrom that swirled about in her head. And soon the helplessness was joined by its everlasting companions, doubt and sadness. She picked a slow and ponderous path back to the A-Level dorms. She felt that tonight would be a lonely and bleak night.