[quote=@PKMNB0Y] Oh what Ritual Beasts seriously. I thought them topping against Nekroz would deter people from taking them on lol. I'm done with Volcanic/ FK character, I just need to write up Bujins/Geargiakuris next. [/quote] Wait they did O_O? I didn't even know about this. I mean, I did hear that they performed well at a tournament somewhere but that's about it. I did happen to beat Nekroz in a tag duel though, but that's because I managed to get out a Clear Wing Synchro Dragon which fucked Trishula up BAD xD! Anyway, I've been doing a lot of play testing with them (they're pretty much already one of my favorite decks to use) and despite their crazy banish - special spamming, they aren't completely overwhelming. I also know this because I've played against them a couple of times before (one of the decks I used was Fire Kings) and the duels were pretty even, same with the win-loss ratio for both of us. Their trap card though... it's basically a Moralltach in trap form since it doesn't target, but this is their main form of monster removal in the case that their rather standard attack isn't enough. But yes. Ritual Beasts. Any other surprises I might not have heard of :p?