[Center] [Img]https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-kUxSPY21340/VLCAxDp1RKI/AAAAAAAAGIo/5rztwtqM4CE/w758-h695/skateboard_anime_boy__render__by_tomokinomajoo-d6t9jxl.png[/img] [b]Matthew(Matt) Pilgrim[/b] [i]Slendy[/i] Age:20 Hair Color:Blackish blonde. Eye Color: Green Height:5'10 Body Type: Thin and athletic Other Information: Matthew is a famous skate boarder. He's somewhat rich and lives in a medium sized mansion. He loves coffee and his very friendly. Matthew has a light British accent so he can sometimes be shy ,because of the way he speaks. He loves his job and is happy that he can enjoy it with no restrictions. Matthew likes a challenge ,so if he was dared to do something or asked to a race he would accepted it without complaining. [/center]