[img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20141026220415/powerlisting/images/2/2e/Soldiers_guns_marine_science_fiction_mercenary_tactical_armored_suit_danny_luvisi_1100x1320_wallp_www.wall321.com_7.jpg[/img] Name: First Sergeant Vincent Uther, 68W Race: Human Reason for joining the Mission: Requested. The ONYX Corporation, after reading over Vincent’s military record and history, specifically asked for him to oversee medical operations on board the Elysium and to set up combat hospitals and triage centers once on the ground. Armor and Equipment: [hider=9.62mm Nebula Assault Rifle] [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/248/1/5/159bbb9b1526b8c3cb7d8111603699d4-d48x7vb.jpg[/img] [/hider] Marine Combat Medic Light Armor (Shown in Picture) Water & airtight helmet w/ integrated medical scanner, night & thermal visor (Shown in picture) Air filtration mask w/ 1000 hour filter, integrated communication set (Shown in picture) [hider=.500 S&W N.O.M.A.D (Not Officially a Medical Aid Device) Handgun] [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/004/f/8/n_o_m_a_d____handgun_concept_by_peterku-d36ffcd.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Titanium Tungsten Alloy Combat Knife] [img]http://www.adeptustitanicus.com/img/imcombatknife.jpg[/img] [/hider] Advanced medical kit Anything Else: Vincent is a trained Medic as well as a trained Marine. With 10 years combat experience and an equal amount of medical experience he is able to supplement either role with brutal effectiveness. He has earned the nickname “Dr. Death” due to his triage methods, a nickname that is often used behind his back as saying it directly to him would be immensely disrespectful. He has a very stern and somber way of both speaking and thinking, his many years of service affecting his personality to the very core.