I don't wanna go into too much as I don't want to make it look like I'm trying to just like, mass recruit as I love the Guild :P But if you like star wars, and like roleplaying ingame check out [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2ZHDa75C34[/url] We do do other things other than just SHOOT eachother just a FYI. The mod is Freeworlds Tides of War for the Microsoft Game Freelancer which is a great old game. Right now we're split into the New Republic and the Imperial Remnant but down the line depending on members there is the opportunity to open up Corellia (As in this AU it didn't join the NR) or the Hutt Faction. Any question, the link to their forums is in the video description or post them here/pm me.