"I'm not fat! I'm not even remotely fat!" Takeshi retorted, getting all flustered now because of Shu, "I've never been fat in my life, definitely not as fat as that lady was!" Grr, Shu was really just teasing him now and he knew it, but it was annoying all the same. Problem here was unlike with his other friends there was little he could do to his brother to make him stop, especially in the company they had now. Seriously, it wasn't like he'd gone out and just randomly told someone they were fat either, he'd corrected his little brother. Maybe not in the best way admittedly but that was it, he hadn't intentionally done it. Pushing away his empty plate Takeshi then tried to show Shu he wasn't the only one with a tough life, sharing how he'd had nothing but basically an empty house in which to live. Of course the little guy had to totally ruin that too, saying how his was harder and all that. It probably was in reality, but being as annoyed as he was Takeshi didn't see it that way. Narrowing his eyes at his brother he let out a huff, folding his arms and looking away stubbornly. "No I'm not scared of creatures at night. If something attacks me I kill it, probably eat it too," he explained, shrugging his shoulders, "Nothing's going to eat you while you're with me, so relax." Eslaria had a hard time thinking of any plans outside of outright showing what T'charrl could do. Near most of the Upper City was aware of the Prince's power, and people in the Lower City had begun to become savvy to it as well. True, not everyone knew still but enough to the point that it wouldn't be a massive surprise to everyone involved. "Don't you think by showing off your powers though it would send a message to the others? Tell them that it's okay to be as they are?" the Queen asked, "You could just come out and say you're like them, but what reason would they have to trust you? If they've lived a life of scrutiny before I don't think some random Prince from another kingdom is going to make them open up, my son." A great way to lead was by example, it was what Eslaria had done when she'd initially taken power. Military exercises, even fighting when the war began, she had been in the midst of it with her everyman soldiers from the get-go. Sure, once things escalated it became increasingly obvious that she as a leader had to remain safe, and her husband would lead in her stead, but she had formed that link with her people, and that made them beyond loyal and trusting of her. "The only way to learn if they exist is to go looking. Though I suppose a little espionage could work, just to take a look. I could have Katas come up with some solution for it, maybe a way to save us from even having to send someone physically into another kingdom." There was no easy way to go about addressing this topic and that's what made it so difficult to handle. Apart from already being under the scrutiny of other kingdoms now they had to find a way to gain access to other lands without drawing any further suspicion; there was no reason to trust Eslaria right now, and while her actions were just not everyone knew that. Chances were neither her idea or his own were the ideal course of action, but something had to be tried. If there were in fact children like T'charrl out there it could only benefit them to get help, and ultimately the kingdom in which they resided. As a military man there were plenty of applications that Yusef could see for such power, yet as a father he knew these children could not simply be designated as weapons and have that go over well. Frowning as he rubbed at his head the General looked to his son, giving a small nod in agreement. "Aggression has no place in this, of that I'll agree. Deception might work as you're suggesting, but it's walking a fine line. It would have to be convincing, otherwise they'll notice what we're doing and close us off completely. Maybe we could enlist the help of a neighboring kingdom, if we find someone like-minded. That could be the best chance for us." If Yumi was going to be put on the spot about family than so was Viral, as fair was fair. It was a difficult thing for the Beastman to discuss and she knew that, and she also knew that he couldn't actually create a child; hypothetically speaking would Viral want a family? For someone who was supposedly dismissive and against the idea entirely he sure did get flustered, and she had the sneaking suspicion there was more to it than being let on. After all if the idea was as absurd and stupid as Viral was saying why would he bother getting so up in arms over the suggestion? "Well kids do that, they grow up and change. Still though, you helped make us who we are today," Yumi explained with a smile, "I might not remember everything, like hunting, but there's loads of useful skills you taught me, and Vegeta too. You taught us ways to fight, and how to do some every day things that no one else did. And to be fair I don't think we pissed you off as kids, did we? Maybe we did and you got annoyed, I can't remember, but..." Yumi paused for a moment, smiling slyly as she nudged closer again and winked knowingly at the Beastman. "If I'm not wrong then I remember you having fun with us. Either that or you were really good at faking it. And maybe the kid wouldn't be yours genetically, like Vegeta or I were, but who's to say you can't raise a kid?"