[Quote] [@Anonymous] Hiya ^^ So we like the idea of another male character, but gah this is gonna sound rather mean isn't it >…< could we get you to change his concept? We already have a sycthe user and are trying to balance out the attack ranges in our group. If that makes sense? Also about his personality, maybe something a little less edgy? In general the Correctors aren't exactly wild cards, they're meant to be generally good people who can deal with living double lives. We have a few colorful characters and are looking to balance them out, that's not necessarily saying people have to play straight laced upstanding citizens but there are more ways to give a character life besides being edgy or completely out in left field. Hah I hope I didn't sound preachy, it's late here but I wanted to give out some feed back before the nights over with. Please ask any questions that you need. Any clarification at all. [i]~ Alice [/i] [/quote] I appreciate the feedback so there is no need to apologize :D Changing his weapon will be no problem at all, but could you drop me some suggestions on what you might want to see him use? Regarding personality, which adjectives do you think would need to be subbed out to soften him up a bit. I know his picture does look a bit [i]biting[/i] so I will gladly swap it out for a more open looking anime character upon request. Again, I do not take suggestions wrongly so feel free to nitpick ny submission to this roleplay's needs.