[u]The rest of my team:[/u] [color=ed1c24]Name: Sha Gender: male Species: Houndoom Level: 74 Side: Trained Description: Sha has been with Lucas since right the start, as Lucas' starter Sha was the one he used to rescue Zarkju. Sha and Zarkju have a friendship that can not be broken, because of this bond Sha is never far behind from Zarkju and Lucas.[/color] [color=00a99d]Name: Poof Gender: Female Species: Dragonair Level: 73 Side: Trained Description: Poof was found by Lucas and Sha right before Zarkju became part of Lucas' team. She hatched a few days after Zarkju was rescued. She was an extremely cute Dratini, and she has kept that cuteness.[/color] [color=8493ca]Name: Carl Gender: Male Species: Lucario Level: 72 Side:Trained Description: Carl was trained by Jean Claud in secret. When Lucas fond out he instantly made Carl part of his team. Using his ability to sense aura's Carl helps Lucas discover who he should help and who he should fight. [/color] [color=82ca9d]Name: Ming Gender: Female Species: Pangoro Level:71 Side:Trained Description: Ming is a Pangoro that Sha and Carl saved from a Revo camp. Lucas and Poof nursed her back to health and she had owed Lucas her life, but he would not allow her to give her life to him. He let her free, but she stayed and helped Lucas knowing that he would appreciate it.[/color] [color=f7976a]Name:Jean Claud Gender: Male Species: Zangoose Level:74 Side:Trained Description: Jean was Lucas third Pokemon. Before Poof was born or hatched Lucas found Jean on the road trying to rob people. Now Lucas beliefs in second chances, so after stopping Jeans robbing spree he used Jean to aid him in helping people. [/color]