[center][b]+FLEANCE+[/b] Lance only nodded in acknowledgement, his emo bangs falling over his eyes. He wasn't a huge talker, so he often used body movements to convey what he wanted to say. Suddenly, the lights in the door went out, making Lance look around in confusion. He heard Sunako call out his name in the darkness and he was going to answer, but he was stopped when light suddenly filled the room. But it wasn't the normal light like the ones that were on before. No. This was more like a thundershock. It surprised him. He was more interested in the strange yellow mouse then why the lights had gone out. Sadly, his attention was brought back to Sunako, the girl who answered the door when she explained that the lights would return in an hour. " Oh." Was all he said, turning back to find the pikachu, but when he did, the strange thing was gone. " Okay." He said when Sunako mentioned his room. Though he was eager to see his new living quarters, he was even more eager to find that yellow mouse thing. What was he anyway? A dog? A mouse? Lance picked up one of his bags and followed Sunako up the stairs. He would come back for the rest later. Maybe when the lights turned on. [b]+MOMO+[/b] Momo was almost free. He had successfully made it up the stairs without being seen; even when the dark hour happened right in the middle of it. He breathed a sigh of relief when his feet reached the top of the stairs and onto the second floor. Just as he did, he saw a spark of light from the first floor, probably Shinji's pikachu. Hey, maybe it was useful afterall. Momo decided to go back to his room and sleep the dark hour and the rest of the night away since it was obvious they weren't going to the tarturus tonight. But as he passed the first door of the second hallway, or better known as the twin's room, he was suddenly attacked. Not by a shadow, but by something much different. A pillow. " Ah! What the hel-" He yelled, trying to shield himself with his arms from the soft blows of the pillow. He tried to tell Kenji that it was him and not a shadow, but the kid was yelling at him to die so it was useless. It was only when Sunako, his unlikely savior, called his name did he stop hitting him. Momo snatched the pillow away from Kenji before he had the chance to attack him again, " Jesus Kenji, stop doing these kinds of things!" He lectured. Yeah, this wasn't the first time something like this had happened. He would've gone on more, but Sunako was standing right there, so he directed all of his attention on her, " U-Uh, hey, Sunako. Ah, um, is that the new guy?" He asked though it was obvious that it was. [b]+KIMIKO+[/b] Kimiko was used to Shinji's apprehensiveness so his cold words did not effect her. She just kept the same happy smile on her face, " Okay~" To her, Shinji was like a chestnut. She just needed to crack his outer shell to get to the good part inside. And since she was just waiting to graduate, which was a while away, she had nothing but time on her hands. This way, if she managed to get him to like her before graduation, they would be able to create a life together afterwards. And with Shinji came money! On their way to the dorm, Kimiko finally noticed the changed around her. " Ohhhhh~" she whistled, holder her hands behind her back, " Do you think the new guy is like us?" [b]+HIKARU+[/b] Hikaru was fast asleep in his room.[/center]