[center][img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i317/seanlover911_photos/rp/Hetalia.jpg[/img] TAICHI ISHIDA was 39 when he died He was Hiroki's guardian, saving him from his outraged mother and disappointed father and giving him a good home. But try as he might, he couldn't completely shield his son away from the sohma family, Saiyuri especially. He tried to teach Hiroki love and compassion, but the message didn't seep in for the bitter child. When hiroki was sixteen Taichi began to get sick and moved to America for treatment. Hiroki went with him for support until Saiyuri ordered him to come back to Japan. They kept in touch still with letters and webcam, but a few months later, Taichi died of cancer. Hiroki was outraged that he wasn't there with him in his final moments and holds a grudge against Saiyuri because of it. Taichi is the reason for most of Hiroki's angst.[/center]