[center][img]http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b635/pandapops7/RP%20ZODIAC/antonio_zps6e78e926.jpg[/img] ANTONIO TORRES 36 years old Antonio is Lovi Sky's manager. He's from mexico, but learnt Japanese as a kid because through anime. When he was in his twenties, he decided that taking over his father's farm was lame and moved to Japan to become a music producer. He did that for a few years and then switched over to being an agent/manager. He took over newcomer Lovi Sky and did everything in his power to push him to the top. He might not have the perfect relationship with Lovi, but he doesn't take nobody's shit and takes his job seriously. He has permenant black circles around his eyes because he stays up everynight planning Lovi's schedule and watching horror movies. He also carries a gun around and won't think twice about shooting someone in the face if they get too close to his client. He also has gang of friends, who are dangerously close to being mobsters, and they protect Lovi when he tells them too.[/center]