[center]SHOU && DAISUKE Turns out, only a few pats on the head and a piece of bread were enough to calm the duck's anger, making it able for Shou to go ahead and take the pieces of glass out. " Okay, all done!" Shou sang happily as he set the last bloody piece aside and reached in his bag for a roll of gauze. " The glass didn't go far enough for him to need stitches, which is lucky for both of us! Imagine putting a needle anywhere near [i]that[/i]." Shou shot a look at the duck, shuttering at the thought. For as calming as Daisuke's presence could be, Shou doubted it would be enough to keep the duck still enough for Shou to stitch him up and he was sure that he would get bit in no time. " Still hold it down," He instructed as he unwrapped the gauze and began applying it to the wounds. As Shou was working, Daisuke looked worried. " Is this okay? I mean, you got the glass out, but is he gonna be able to fly and stuff?" " Mmmmm, he should be fine," Daisuke sighed in relief, but perked up again when Shou continued, " But he's not gonna fly anytime soon. He needs to relax and get his wounds to heal. [i]Then[/i] he'll be fine." " Oh, okay..." Daisuke said, discouraged. While he was glad that the duck would be okay, he didn't like the idea of releasing it back into the wild until it was able to support itself again. " Do you think it would be okay if I kept him here while he recovers?" " How did I know you were going to say that?" Shou chuckled as he cut off the end of the gauze and pinned it down, moving on to the next wing, " But yeah, that would be fine." Daisuke beamed after hearing the good news, but quickly remembered that he wasn't the only one living in the house, " Would you be okay with that Akiza?" Daisuke asked hopefully, turning to her. " Daisuke it's [i]your[/i] house, you don't have to ask permission," Shou spoke up, sounding offended. " Well yeah, but still..." He trailed off, patting the duck's head.[/center]