[b][color=fff200][h2]Alaira Taenn[/h2][/color][/b] Alaira simply sat there, breathing... She had to calm down... it was over... She noticed a boot out of the corner eye, and looked up to see the... other guy, the Yarosmerian one. Darius, probably. He crouched down, and asked a rather simple question. Not out of any real concern for her, but mostly out of concern for the job, which was enough, honestly. She groaned quietly, pushing off the ground as she rose to her feet, somewhat shaky. [b][color=fff200]"I-I'm fine... Just give me a few minutes..."[/color][/b] She mumbled, rubbing her head as she made her way to the cart. She peeked into the back, and sighed in relief as Lyn seemed perfectly safe... [b][color=fff200]"L-Lyn? A-are you a-alright?"[/color][/b] She asked.