[h2]Team Gilkidu[/h2] "Ha! I'd say you fought rather well!" Gilgamesh complimented Nono, "Perhaps not quite on [i]my[/i] level, but praiseworthy, nonetheless!" The blonde woman approached, saying something that caused the warrior to laugh in an overconfident manner, "my dear, you undersell the capabilities of the great Gilgamesh! For I have fought with the most fearsome of foes, and-" Gilgamesh had now initiated one of his ego-stroking rants, now undeterred, since Enkidu was busy giving the counter girl a stare of longing, his ears drooping at the idea that no food would be prepared. Evidently, the mountains of food from earlier had done little for him. [h2]Aura[/h2] "Oooh, amazing!" Aura declared happily, making a mental note to include that thing in all calculations from here on out. The thing was likely to ruin most attempts at manipulating the girl's mind, and getting them to part would be too risky. How annoying. At that moment, a sickly young man entered the office. Effortlessly hiding the disdain she felt at being interrupted, Aura rose to her feet, a look of concern on her face, "oh dear, yes, sit down. What is the problem, sir?" she asked.