This is a general interest check for a Pathfinder campaign I want to run set in the setting of another campaign I've been doing in real life. The setting is pretty dumb. Earlier on it was pretty reasonable, massive continent with countries for all the races, gods died and turned into crystals, human city humongously affluent and racist, plague ravaging home lands of the characters etc. But it got pretty stupid pretty fast. For example, our current antagonist comes from the Holy Land of Plotholia, being dank is a status symbol in the gnome kingdom, there's a mystic time travelling ghost thing which has a train we ride around on, our Bard doesn't have genitals, our Druid turned into a cyborg, our Fighter turned into a drug addict and contracted Rock Genetalia, etc. Basically, I want to host an alternate campaign with different characters just to see what would happen. I'd be following the main plot which is where all the stupid stuff is, and we're going by the other campaign's house rules sort of so hopefully some stupid stuff will happen and it will be great. For simplicity's sake we're using the core rulebook and the bestiary but we do have custom races up to 20 RP as well.