[center] [hider=Appearance] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/RQUdbCY.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [/center] Name: Flavia Augusta Decimus Occupation: Scholar Race: Imperial Class: Mage Gender: Female Age: 25 Personality: Flavia has will power, mostly evidenced by the fact she is one of the few to interact with the Black Books sanity intact. Her philosophical ideas, which are very much related to stoicism, are a factor that defines her actions and how she has stayed in the right mind so long. Being from an accomplished merchant family, interacting with others seems to be something that comes with her blood, and she tends to use her families former contacts as a means to track down things that she believes relevant to her collection. She is somewhat of a soothsayer due to her knowledge, and perceives the events going on as a work of a greater force, and in general has a good idea of what's currently causing them. Because of the deteriorating situation in Cyrodil, her recent actions have been less focused toward increasing the size of her Great Library, but rather, trying to see what she can do to stop Tamriel from going down a very dark path. Weapons/Items: As a Mage still learning and growing, Flavia's spell casting power is still somewhat limited compared to someone with more experience. Because of this gap, she attempts to make up for this by using a variety of items, with some limited success. Potions(Two to Three of each)- Fortify Health, Fortify Magicka, Potion of Invisibility, Potions of Mark and Recall, Potion of Levitation, Potion of Cure Disease Scrolls- Used for spells outside of her skill range or that would be to hard to use normally. What scrolls she carries with her is largely dependent on the situation at hand, and if she needs the extra power. Cheese- It's for everyone Enchanted Golden Necklace of Fortify Magicka, Ring of Fortify Magicka, Ring of Spell Absorption, Boots of Resist Lightning, Robe of Alteration, Underwear of Fortify Speechcraft Blank Books, Blank Scrolls, along with any books or spell tomes she may bring from her collection, Ink and Feather Silver Dagger Bio: The Decimus surname once belonged to a merchant family, of all things. Concerned primarily with trade in High Rock and the Empire as a whole, they had a certain amount of stake in the Empires prosperity. The steadily growing instability within Tamriel slowly but surely began to strain the Decimus family. Rather than the rebellion itself effecting them, it was the Empires instability and slowly loosening grip over its own lands, along with the subversion of the Empire by the Thalmor. This decline was solidified by the next in line of the family having little to no interest in the life of being a merchant, rather, they enjoyed the life of being a Mage. This was Flavia's late mother- a woman who grew to have an extensive interest in the pursuit of knowledge, not for herself, but rather for storage. With the instability of all Tamriel, and the clearly oppressive regime of the Thalmor, she took it upon herself to preserve the books, scrolls, and documents important to the world. Not only did this include books on magick and the occult, but also those of history, famous works of fiction, and copies of books and documents of almost any sort. Creating a large and secretive library full of arcane, occult, mundane, and historical knowledge was a daunting task, one that slowly tried her mothers sanity time and time again. As the library expanded and nearly all "mundane" knowledge was collected, she started to look toward rarer books, scrolls, tombs, and transcripts investigating ruins of all kinds of species, making deals with Daedra(Particularly Hermaeus Mora, for obvious reasons) and even going as far as theft through unsavory organizations to gather up rarer and more secretive information. Shortly before Flavia being born, her mother had finally begun to truly lose her sanity, something that started shortly before Flavia's conception. No longer able to fend for herself or continue her work, once of sufficient age Flavia took the mantle of her mother and began to follow in her footsteps. Unlike her mother, however, she was made of sterner stuff, and was fully capable of taking the tolls of forbidden knowledge without great problem. Flavia has travelled all over Tamriel collecting the rarest of books- such as the Black Books, along with transcribing and translating leftover knowledge from various ruins. The library after decades of work is huge, containing one of the largest collections of knowledge possible. Naturally, its location is not public. She uses limited selling of knowledge, along with her alchemiac and alteration based skills to fund continued collection. Flavia is still learning as a spell casting mage, but her knowledge of magicka, theory, and meaning behind spells and meta physics is extremely high due to the Great Library. Her chief spell casting talents are in Thaumaturgy, Mysticism, Destruction, and Alteration.