[b]Nono, Restuarant District, Yggdrasil[/b] Shifting her attention was Saber coming up to them, Nono practically lit up at the dual praise from Gilgamesh, which didn't mean all that much beyond normal praise, and Saber, which meant quite a bit more. "Thank you Onee-sama," she replied with a bow, fortunately refraining from hugging her again. At the same time though, the delight in her eyes could not be dismissed, and the bit of hair that stuck up from her head could be seen visibly moving on it's own. At that point though, she noted that Gilgamesh had launched into that delayed rant, and while she listened at first, it was obviously full of superlatives, and she didn't feel bad tuning him out after she had gotten the gist of it. Besides, she was a robot. Multitasking was easier for her than a normal human. "Alright," she agreed with a nod, looking forward to the relaxation of eating some food with her 'older sister' after a hard bit of fighting. Well, not that her body worked like that, but they could pretend. So where Saber went, she would go too. [h2][/h2] [b]Misaka 10032, Client World Macross[/b] Misaka kept her silence, following the instructions she had been given regarding her 'family' and the true nature of it. Considering that Marisa was an only child, finding out that Misaka had 9969 sisters, that were all clones of, would be quite the shock, all things considered and ignoring the other issues, so best not to mention it. She turned her thought processes to food, only to be interrupted by Kakine, resulting in a slight tilting of her head as she mentally contacted the Misaka Network, and by extension, the authorities of Academy City. It was a few moments before she gave an answer. "'Interreality travel to Academy City for outsiders is restricted to Very Important Person's only, so as to prevent contamination of our plane of existence,' Misaka reports after careful thought on the subject," Misaka replied. Essentially, it meant that only the people who actually mattered could get through to Academy City, outside of some sort of treaty that had yet to be negotiated. Still, she would not object, nor would kakine in all probability. That said, she looked back to Marisa before pointing behind her. "Food," she said succinctly, drawing attention to an outdoor cafe that seemed to serve a fusion of Chinese and alien cuisine, presumably from the giant Zentraedi species that they had seen. It would be good enough for her. [h2][/h2] [b]Cinder Fall, Shadow Eternity HQ -> Her Other Secret Hideout (No Outsiders Welcome)[/b] Cinder was glad that no one approached her as she made her way from the hangar bay to one of the transporters at a steady pace, with a slight sway in her hips as she held the device she had so recently retrieved. For one, it meant she wouldn't have to develop some excuse for what the thing was and why she wasn't delivering it to one of the labs present. For the other, it meant less of a burden on....other things, and allowing her to keep greater control. With that in mind, she beelined for her destination, and as quickly arrived at it. The door slid shut as she stepped inside, allowing her a little privacy, and she used that to reach into her pocket, pulling out a flash drive. It had a variety of functions, but this was the most useful. She inserted it into the terminal and punched in the code that was required, overriding the software with an inside patch to reroute the teleporter to an alternate destination, one of her own setting. She removed the flash drive then, and hit the button. White light filled the booth, and she was gone. She emerged in an open plaza, a pavilion of picturesque stone that provided a view of everything nearby. Stepping away, she shuddered, groaned, as a fire built up inside and she shifted within. "Grrr....Haaa!" The cry heralded an explosion of fire as she lit, eyes and hair burning as she panted, her rage flying out of control now that she was alone. "Worthless beasts, thinking they can resist me. I'll show them, I'll show them all!" The cries rang in the empty air as fireball after fireball was sent flying, a good indicator as to why this plaza was empty in the first place. She was an inferno now, and the only thing to do was let it burn itself out. "Filthy beasts, always getting in my way." Those simpletons, fools. Couldn't they see her grand vision, the purpose she was striving for? They hadn't seen it in Remnant, and now they opposed her here. She was going to remake it all, save them all, and they tried to stop her every step of the way. Well, she would not allow it. The fire roared, and eventually died away, Cinder left panting as the flames departed, leaving her feeling empty. Her body shuddered, almost as if in withdrawal, and she fought to reach into her pouches, to pull out another vial of Dust. That she used with a syringe, injecting it directly into her bloodstream with a sigh. It hurt, it burned, like it had the first time, but it felt good as well. After a few minutes of the potent liquid coursing through her veins, the shuddering faded away, and she was able to sigh, regain her composure, and move on out of the plaza. The robots would take care of that. So she headed to her command center, a glance given to the ring that hung in the sky, terminating at the horizon while crossing the distance. It had been a lucky find, a result of a scouting mission for the Shadow Eternity, in a universe that had become depopulated of all life as the result of a malfunction or something. Now she had this artificial Ring, locked in a pocket dimension that only she knew how to access, to use. And it was here that she had her secret base, separate from the others, to pursue her own goals. Inside she had all sorts of goodies, collected from many worlds. Robots, exotic machines, things she needed for her plan and more. She'd always been resourceful, and this was no exception. She paced through heavily guarded rooms, research labs, past holding cells and armories, eventually arriving in her inner sanctum. It was here that she had her greatest work, now one step closer to completion. To the sealed and extra protected room she moved, through the locked doors and energy shields, to stand before her creation. A smirk took over as she looked upon it, the device that would make her vision a reality. She then glanced to the cube, the next piece she needed. Well then, one step closer," she said to no one in particular as she moved forward, and with practiced skill attached the device. It was another to drop in a cube of iron, which would be broken down and converted into energy, and the device glowed to indicate it was working. Cinder smirked all the more as her good mood rose. One step closer indeed.