[img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/b4586706edc942cfc4b138e98bf3f0b4/tumblr_n7pivlN44H1r1f3lfo7_1280.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Isaiah Merkkabah [b]Nickname:[/b] Icarus [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Brief Personality:[/b] Isaiah, despite being raised by polite and kind parents, ended up being extremely rude. Isaiah has few manners, is very aggressive, and is also prone to making very lewd comments at people. Isaiah, much to his peers sorrow, was also blessed with intellect and a very fine body. To which he uses to annoy others as often as possible. [b]Ability:[/b] He can grow up to six wings, each of with have feathers as sharp as any blade. He can use his wings to fly, as well as melee and distance weapons. He can simply slam them into enemies causing both blunt and 'cut' type damage, as well as fire off the feathers as projectiles. His body's bone, however, are able to heal faster then average. Everything else is still human-weak. [b]Limits to Ability:[/b] The wings are as alive as he is. They bleed, feel pain, and can be broken. His body is also more build like a bird's then others, so his bones are quite lighter and more brittle then average. [b]Age admitted into Riverwood:[/b] 11 [b]Background:[/b] Isaiah was quite lucky for a kid with his mutation, perhaps any other environment would have killed him off had he been born to it. However, god had it out for him. Born to some of the middle-aged staff of the Riverwood academy, he knew about mutants for most of his life and had to be homeschool for most of his lad, so his parents could really force in the idea that he shouldn't tell anyone about his parent's jobs or what all of them knew. However, in the end this didn't mean anything. A few weeks before he was supposed to go to public school, his wings sprouted for the first time. Lucky for him it was at home, with his parents. They, although terrified for Isaiah's future, also felt happy that they could protect their child by sending him to the school they worked for! This was all fine and dandy, for a while, by this time they were quite old and it was starting to show. Now, neither of his parents were quite healthy people and that ended up costing both of them. His father was the first to go, he had a heart attack and he couldn't have been saved. By the time any doctors were able to get to him, his brain had already died off. His mother? Well she died at an accident that occurred at the school when several new students had been brought in. [b]Other:[/b] Is very fond of some of the staff, and tries to act much more mannered around them. Also he likes Icarus' story and takes the nickname as a compliment.