Shu was scared of a lot of things to do with the dark, but it had gotten worse since he was taken in by his father. The noises at night really put a number on his mind, especially when he was alone in a cold room most of his time. He wasn’t a creature of solitude at all, it made him feel cold and alone. Hearing noises during the night really put him on edge, his worry definitely on the thought that he might get attacked because his vision wasn’t very good at night. It was always going to be a primal fear but it had definitely gotten worse than it once was. It shouldn’t matter anyway; he was with Takeshi and his friends so he shouldn’t be alone at night anymore. Frowning a second when Takeshi spoke he soon smiled again and bounced a little. “I am a monkey! I am!” he giggled, smiling happily, “Is there something wrong with that?” Giving his head a quick scratch he frowned again when he was subtly accused of being weak despite coming from the wilds, not liking the wording of that sentence. “You think it does? It makes the world be seen as the scary place it is. Must find food to live, shelter to live, hide to live, fight to live…lots of things! Best time I’ve had is living with you! But it’s tough to get used to it…need shinies for food…no shinies mean no food! Shinies gone and then Shu is no living no more!” T’charrl knew people were afraid of new things, even he was still afraid of his own powers after all these years. He had always been afraid of exposing it to everyone he knew and now his problem was being afraid of losing control. He didn’t know when it might happen again but he knew all he needed to feel was some sort of stress that often triggered his powers, but he knew this kind of chatter would never cause that to happen at least. “I guess so. Umm, I have a question about that, actually…” he spoke lowly, shifting his claws on the table, “Are you two afraid of it? You’ve seen what it does to me and what it can do and I just-…I just feel a little afraid myself. I don’t know a thing about what’s happening to me”. There was no doubt that he could blame the General for what happened to him but he didn’t know how that would make anything better, his idea of blaming being directed immediately to himself after he thought about it. He was the one who carelessly took all that energy and didn’t know how to expel it safely. Feeling a little distracted he nearly forgot all about the musician, his head immediately picking up. “O-Oh, right. Maybe they were waiting until we finished?” No matter how Viral looked at it he was always going to be a danger to children, even if he could have his own. He was violent by nature and didn’t have a great track record for not finding trouble so there would be no peace for them. It would be selfish to share that kind of life with another. He didn’t want Yumi thinking he wanted a kid as she would only encourage it and probably try to get him one, placing the child in danger unknowingly. He knew himself best and knew he couldn’t do that, especially when he was facing an illness that gave him a limited future. Thinking the risk to be too great over in his head he gave Yumi a quick look as she decided to do some thinking of her own, going all the way back to the past after he had a quick reminisce. He didn’t like what she was trying to suggest at all, screwing up his perception of his past. He didn’t know how to take that, finding it a little confusing yet concerning. To think he was being used without even being aware of it for so many years made him pretty terrible that he might had missed it, but also rather paranoid. “You think I was part of a plot to kill Vegeta?” he questioned her before letting out a groan, not finding it great for his stress, “Expecting me to betray everyone…willingly letting me near children…but why? To find a new heir to the company? To say I was always being used even when I didn’t know…I don’t know how to take that. How long have you been thinking that?”