[quote=@YamiCuoreLaroux] Kaiden lay back on the roof in a more concealed corner, lunch still boxed and wrapped up beside him. The tall redhead wasn't fully asleep, more in a halfway state for the time being, but he actually wanted to eat before he fell asleep fully. [i]Perhaps I should sit up for now, then, so I don't drift off completely before I get the chance...[/i] Then again, the pillow he had made with his jacket was really comfortable, especially with the fluffy lining he had sewn into it... [i]I'm sure it will be fine if I lie here just a little longer...[/i] [/quote] Scifer then as if falling from a near by sky scrapper pounced on Kiaden and hopped right off as he walked away smiling. He had business to take care of and knew just how to do it.