[b][i]Eaglecrest High[/i] - Time to get a goddamn watch[/b] Mikael never actually kept track of time during school; he got on the bus in the morning and went through his boringly-easy, craptastic classes before getting on the bus home. However, he'd decided to join a club where he could do his homework at school. However, taking the late bus had finally made him realize something; most people had a cell or something to tell the time, but his parents never bothered to get him a watch, much less a cellphone that he wouldn't call anyone with. "[i][color=fff200]But damn,[/color][/i]" Mikael thought as he adjusted his shades. "[color=fff200][i]How long is it going to take to get to my goddamn stop?[/i][/color]" [b][i]New Light University Plaza[/i] - 4:57 PM[/b] As the bus finally pulled up to a plaza, Mikael looked up to a clock in the center of it... The heck? It was already five? He wasn't sure if it always took that long, but he never noticed if it did. "[color=fff200][i]Tch,[/i][/color]" He clicked his tongue in annoyance. He would have saved some of his homework for the bus ride if he'd known how much longer the late bus took. Sleeping was not an option. "[color=fff200][i]I won't be tired enough to sleep at home if I take a nap now...[/i][/color]" He scowled slightly. "[color=fff200]This is just a pain,[/color]" Mikael muttered to himself, venting his building frustration in those few quiet words.