*Still working out the kinks…* [b][i][u]Character[/b][/i][/u] [hider=Ian][img]http://breakthroughchristian.com/wp-content/plugins/tantan-reports/aaron-diaz-el-talisman-i11.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Ian Santos [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Ian is perhaps best described as a thrill seeking extreme sports enthusiast and adrenaline junkie, the type of man that upon a dare would do just about anything within reason. The kind that is always seeking new experiences to have and the type to be the first to make a fool of himself. Because of this he is seen from afar as aloof, pretentious, brash and even cocky- a man full of himself and his own worth. However, those closest to him know him as the opposite, although slightly 'out there' at times, he is caring in his own way and very family/friend oriented. Even though he doesn't show it, or doesn't care to, he is quite bright with an abundance of common sense, whenever he cares to apply it. Ian does tend to come off a bit strong when meeting new people and can get carried away quite easily with his sarcasm and dry humor. [b]History:[/b] Ian is the eldest of three born to a now separated mixed couple. His mother a well known, in the spanish community, Mexican mariachi singer and telenovela actress; while his father an American art director who works on films, commercials and music videos. Ian lived most of his younger life in Mexico with his mother and younger siblings and even appeared in several of his mother's telenovelas as an extra or small character in the series. But by the time he reached twelve his mother sent him to live with his father in California, fearing for his safety because of the Mexican gang wars and the drug cartel hostile take over. Despite having being accepted to several prestigious universities around the country, Ian chose to join the Army right out of high school instead. After spending two years as an enlisted infantryman he decided to switch over to the Airforce, where he learned how to fly jets and helicopters. By the time he was 25, Ian had decided to leave the military and pursue his own career in extreme sports becoming a Youtube sensation within the year for all those like minded. [b]Element:[/b] Fire [list][*][i]Strength:[/i] ? [/*] [*][i]Channeling:[/i] ? [/*] [*][i]Healing:[/i] N/A [/*] [*][i]Element:[/i] ? [/*][/list] [b]Affinity/Speciality:[/b] ? [b][i][u]Animal[/b][/i][/u] [b]Species:[/b] North American River Otter [b]Age:[/b] 4 years old [b]Personality:[/b] A mischievous, playful, and at times annoying otter who loves the comfort of companionship within her bevy. She is wild-spirited, carefree and tends to be easily distracted through out the day, although when caring for her litter she places childish games aside and devotes herself fully to being a mother. She is also not the bravest of otters, when faced with danger such as eagles or foxes she is one of the first to scurry to safety, finding courage only when her pups are in danger. [b]History:[/b] This otter has spent most of her life with the same bevy after having being separated from her own during her first year. It was within this romp that she found her mate and has had one littered of two pups the year prior. Her offsprings still reside within the same bevy but it won't be for much longer before they ventured out and find their own range. Unfortunately, her mate died to a coyote attack some month prior and she has of yet to find a new mate, but is in no hurry as she is still grieving for her lost partner. [hider=Otter][img]https://lh5.ggpht.com/BddNIUpvk7mWcQN9Eq5WrJx5aAIr9gTE_FeJJtODMegTFqio2VUW7SAOQVVzU_jPBD2UDq8aEKF4BqwtOxG-dw%3Ds580[/img] [/hider]