[h3][b]Mika Moriyama[/b] /// [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgPu_xk-fY8]Warakuma High, Front Entrance [->] Warakuma Shopping Complex[/url][/h3] When she saw Akira approaching, Mika waved at hand at him just to signal her position to him. Though, it didn’t matter much, as she quickly grew tired of waiting for someone who was walking [i]so slowly[/i] to come over to her and simply ran over to the boy. She chastised herself for being so eager however and forced a more stoic expression onto her face as she stood in front of the black-haired boy. Her fingers found their ways onto the straps of the bag she dangled from her shoulder. “I’ve been waiting for almost seven minutes now, Akira!” She exclaimed, instantly losing the cool she had mustered just moments ago. “Punctuality is important in a guy, you know. Now… I’ve invited someone to this outing. They’ll be meeting us at the store.” Mika took a few quick steps towards the steps leading away from the school, but quickly turned back around. “We never agreed on any rules, so you don’t mind, right?” The highschool girl took off before the boy could respond, only waiting for him to catch up when she got to the edge of the street. [center][b][-----][/b][/center] The shopping district was populated mostly by highschool students, having just gotten off from their classes as well. Mika and Akira found themselves waiting outside of some café Mika had only been to once several years ago. The mystery person had yet to show up, and it frustrated Mika enough that she felt the need to vent the thoughts to Akira. She didn’t feel like he’d care about his thoughts on how [i]he never shows up on time[/i] and that [i]he doesn’t even thank me[/i]. Though, as soon as she saw her expected guest, Mika instantly shut up and waved her cast-covered hand out so that he’d see where they were. Tragically, Rokoru did not return the positive energy Mika radiated. Likely due to the presence of Akira Kirigakure. Forgetting to mention that Akira would be there was the only way to get Rokoru to even show up. The boy turned almost 180[sup]o[/sup] to leave, but Mika surged out and tugged his wrist back to get him to stay. He groaned, and followed the shorter girl back over to where she left Akira. “Meet our exciting third wheel for the day!” She moved her hand beneath the writing on Rokoru’s grey t-shirt. “Notice the clever and funny print on the subject’s clothing. Truly magnificent!” With a snorty giggle, she hopped back closer to Akira. Rokoru folded his arms over his chest like he usually did when he disapproved of something, covering the text that went over his shirt seemingly on purpose. “So, what do you guys want? For drinks? They’re obviously on me.”