(double post me and Akuma made it together on a Google doc) NPC/World Events ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The last of the boats were now arriving and with a loud whistle they made port and the remaining people prepared to get off hmmm where any late though? Maybe sleeping where they shouldn’t be? but with that the Pokemon Trainers school quickly opened 7am sharp waiting for the new trainers to enter and do their tests to prove they're strong enough to travel the Amona region safely these tests wouldn’t be too hard and you only need to pass 3 of the 4 tests but only the highest ranked of the trainers would receive a Pokenav + V2.0 the ultimate source of navigation now with a radio and video calls as well as email built in the average trainers simply get a pokegear and the low ranking trainers a town map with having to do a special fifth test to make sure they will be alright. The proctors were prepared for any trainers with their teams selected from and trained by the regional professors. Though on this nice an momentous day not everyone was upto good there was a somewhat sinister aura around but what could cause this? None other than Team Zodiac a rather mysterious group working on many experiments on both Pokemon and Humans...learning off other organizations actions in the past such as team rockets technology forcing pokemon to evolve and go berserk along with the added power of Ciphers shadow pokemon technology and sang machines and with the use of team Galactics red chains they could easily control these powerful pokemon with ease unlike those before them they even used team Plasma’s airship technology to easily strike around the region and be nearly impossible to track. You could say they are some of the most dangerous people around though little is known about them who is their leader does everyone have the same plans? all that is known is they have 12 leaders each following under one of the 12 chinese Zodiac.... [color=ec008c]???:”hmhmhm...all these new trainers so many chance to plant some shadow pokemon...” Grunt:”sir all the shadow pokemon were successfully swapped with the normal pokemon what would you like us to do with the ones we stole?” ???:”Send to them to HQ if any have the potential to be strong shadow pokemon tell them to do it the others make disappear....” Grunt: “Sir yes sir!” Grunt 2: “Sir you got a call to return to base what would you like the rest of us to do?” ???:”Have a little fun...”[/color] Isacc and Q ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q laid back waiting for his chance to be allowed to move on and battle all to his hearts content but unfortunately it would still be quite sometime before the trainers just arriving off the boats would arrive at the trainer school and he would be able to take the rest of the tests. Until then he would rest up for the battles. Isacc was now in front of the trainers school when he noticed someone laying against the wall beside the front door’s he had an aura of professionalism about him but at the same time seemed very laid back. Isacc soon remembered him from the practice test held the day before...hmmm he seemed to have the highest score by the end...Xeno soon walked upto the man and made a small but cute cry meaning hello. Isacc quickly noticed and decided he may as well say hello as well... [color=f7941d]“Hello there you were there during the practice test yesterday right? Getting ready for the real tests today?”[/color] Q looked up when he heard the trainer speak to him. “Ya just waiting for the rest to arrive what are you doing here from what I saw yesterday I [color=ed1c24]thought you were already a registered trainer since you were helping out and all.”[/color] Isacc laughed a little and in a cheerful voice told the trainer he hadn’t been able to receive his Pokenav + v2.0 until today and he was the new trainers partner in the double battle test partner. he then noticed the doors were open then began to walk inside but stopped and then asked the other trainer if he’d like to come inside while they waited for everyone to arrive. Q was surprised by the trainers generosity in Orre he had only been treated nicely on few occasions due to the areas where he normally battled. [color=ed1c24]“sure why not there might be a better place for me to rest in there”[/color]