[h2]Saber - Restaurant District, Yggdrasil[/h2] "Ah..." the girl hesitated for a moment. She wasn't about to make a customer work... especially when that customer had just saved her life along with so many others. Rubbing the back of her head nervously, she managed to make her response. "You... you don't have to! You saved my life and everyone else's..." It was only a few moments later that she realized that he was asking to be paid. Well, she wasn't in charge of that so she couldn't really make any sort of the response... and the animal eared boy? was extremely upset that there was no food available. "I... sorry, er... you'll have to go elsewhere until we can make repairs and reopen..." Saber glanced at the approaching woman, briefly. She did not appear to be an agent, and so Saber was about to addess her... before the small, hat-wearing girl landed in front of her. The girl smiled sweetly up at the older woman. "There was a dangerous attack in this location," the girl explained, "However, the attackers have been neutralized and the remaining ones were detained, so there is no risk of harm to innocent people." She turned to face the approaching boy and address his question, as Saber was growing more distracted by the second. "That is a device utilized by one of our agents. There's no need to be alarmed." Saber's focus returned to her present company. The large man was so loud, and boastful. He put Saber in mind of that figure from the Fourth War, that Rider. Without the wrongheaded ideals that man had possessed about kingship, insofar as she could tell. It was also quite clear that her praise to Nono had made the mechanical girl absolutely ecstatic, and the King of Knights simply was not sure of how to feel about that. However, it was then that the man said something that instantly drew Saber's attention. Gilgamesh. For the briefest of moments, her mind flew to him, the incredibly dangerous, arrogant first hero... and then she was relieved as the situation came back to her. Regardless of his name, it was plain that this Gilgamesh was not the same as the one she knew. He possessed the arrogance, but nothing else. Her mind was quick to return to food. She could see it, a 'Mutliversal All-You-Can-Eat' advertised further down the road. If the food was good... an endless supply was utterly ideal! Yes, Saber could feel excited deep inside of herself, there was no denying it... and she felt quite hungry. She took a step forward, before remembering that others had accompanied her and she should probably tell them she was going somewhere. "... Ah, Gintoki. We are leaving, there is a restaurant further down the road." When they arrived, the interior of the restaurant was brightly lit and crowded with those who lived in the massive tower that was Yggdrasil. The holographic menus boldly advertised that their head chef could cook anything, anything that you desired from the entire multiverse, to the utmost perfection. [h2]Kirisame Marisa, Client World 12262009-A(Macross)[/h2] Marisa frowned. Damn it, it looked like she'd have to get into this Academy City place some other way. "Awww, it sounded like a really awesome place. Besides, it's not like I'd cause any damage or anything." Marisa cheerfully waved her hand, as if the idea of her causing any damage or theft was just totally ridiculous and implausible. There were many people who would have immediately protested that, but not a single one of them was around at the moment. If she could smoothtalk her way into being allowed in there, it'd be way easier than trying to find it herself! Besides, she didn't exactly plan on causing TOO much damage, right? It wasn't like she'd hurt anyone permanently! And everything would be easily prepared. Probably. She didn't know but that was likely the case. Anyway, Misaka was pointing out some food! "Heeey, that place looks pretty awesome!" she waved to her new companions as she headed over to the cafe, beckoning for them to follow. "Let's go!"