Shuo let out a slight sigh before taking a drink of liquid, the slight burn serving to wake him up fully. As the others started to talk it occurred to Shuo that he didn't know exactly what Shiva's probation terms were. He quick wrote a reminder for himself using his implants. He didn't feel like now was perhaps the time to do that, plausible deniability and all that. Though once he heard about Threria his mind immediately jumped back to the war. He remembered rumors of a deep strike, that name seemed to come up a few times. Though they obviously never went through with it his knowledge of the place was that it was considered important enough to be considered as a war time target. Shuo sometimes wondered if some of the plans the brass came up with if the other races would have even accepted a peace treaty. He started pushing that out of his mind however and back to then. "Your home produced wine then? Fun seeing as my birth place was heavily agricultural until very recently. Their prized export was cheese, specifically from an animal called a "Golyeva" real ugly looking thing also native to the planet. But the cheese you could make from it's milk was the bitterest thing you could imagine, but the aftertaste. The after taste was absolutely amazing and they loved especially to give this stuff to troops because of that. Also helped it would keep you regular where as some of the other rations would "block" you for lack of a better term. Once we picked up two planets that could be used to artificially grow them and naturally though my home became R&D. I intend to find some of that stuff once we get back planet-side." Shuo said with a bit of remembering as well as reminiscing.