Meesei gave no reaction to Darahil's question until she finished jotting down the last of her notes for Darahil's interview. Once finished, she looked up at him with a neutral expression. "He filled his waterskin from the city's water source, and it would be exceptionally difficult to poison a flowing body of water that large. And, if it had been, others would have been affected as well. It would had to have been poisoned at a time when he wasn't carrying it on his belt, and when his attention was somewhere else. Once I have finished my questioning, and once I know more about the poison, I may be able to eliminate one or more suspects. Until then, thank you for your cooperation. Now, come, I will send one of my pack with you to the meeting room." Just like before, after Meesei stepped back out with, she turned to one of the remaining members of her pack. "Fendros, please take Darahil to the meeting room." She requested, though this time, she waited for Fendros to start to walk past her, then stopped him with a hand on his shoulder and whispered in his ear. "Watch to see if he tampers with anything in the room." She said quickly before letting go of him and turning her attention to Harriet, motioning for her to head into the room for the final interview. Since Fendros was going to be watching Darahil, that meant Lorag would be watching Harriet. Initially, Meesei thought it would not be a good idea to have him be responsible for him, given that they had been caught mating. However, the more Meesei thought on it, the more she felt that could be turned to their advantage. It was possible that Harriet could be made to trust Lorag to gain more cooperation from her. Alternatively, if she was the traitor, she might start to think that she could manipulate Lorag. However, she would not be aware of the depth of Lorag's loyalty to Meesei. Once Meesei and Harriet took their seats in the private room, Meesei made a new section in her notes, then started off the questioning. "Okay, let us start at the beginning. In as much detail as you can, tell me everything you have done today, and when. I need to know every time in which you saw Jerrick, and as well, I would like to know everything you can remember that your fellow lieutenants have done."